This is a listing description section where you can write about your listing. We have provided an editor for entering this information on Submit listing page so your visitors will be able to format their description easily. They can highlight their content with Bold, Italic, Underline options, they can also use ordered and un-ordered lists:

Ordered list:

  1. Allow users to pay and publish their places on your site
  2. Create a unique submission form using custom fields
  3. Awesome Google map integration for showing real locations

Unordered list:

  • Allow users to pay and publish their places on your site
  • Create a unique submission form using custom fields
  • Awesome Google map integration for showing real locations

Hyperlinks, images and basic HTML can also be added here from backend.

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One Review

  1. Patricia Williams
    Patricia Williams
    June 20, 2018 at 8:55 am

    This seems like a cool looking WordPress theme for starting a personal blog, the focus is on the content and i am loving the typography of the blog. Readability is what bloggers look for and in my opinion this theme is a perfect match.

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